Mobile devices
Please switch to a desktop device / computer for a smooth minting experience.
On a Smartphone, go inside a Wallet App e.g. the MetaMask App internal Browser or Brave Browser.
Gold Pass
With the MBS Golden Brew Pass NFT, you get, among other benefits, 2400 cans of free beer per year with your custom co-branded label lifelong.
Become a part of the beer revolution now!

Go to sharemint.xyz to sign up.
Mint sale is not available, please return later.
You reached the maximum amount of NFTs for your wallet. Please connect another wallet to continue later.
You can mint up to NFTs with your currently connected account:
Discount ETH when holding
Your wallet is holding Token ID: for Discount.
of currently
NFTs are minted already
Current Price: ETH per NFT
Based on today’s exchange rate, the mint price is Genesis Price * 10. We will adjust this ETH-price in case the exchange rate deviates by more than 10% from the current rate also during the mint.
The Access List 2 mint will be open for 24 hours.